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At The Hearing Specialist, we offer comprehensive hearing evaluations to assess your hearing abilities which take approximately one hour to complete. Hearing evaluations consist of a consultation, physical examination, and a series of tests, which indicate your hearing abilities. The results of your test are recorded on an audiogram, which determine the cause and severity of your hearing loss if it is present.
We will review your hearing exam results with you and design an aural rehabilitation program to help you to achieve your hearing and communication goals if a hearing loss is found. We may refer you to your doctor if for example, there is middle ear fluid, asymmetrical hearing loss or unilateral tinnitus.
Hearing exams are an important part of maintaining good hearing health and good overall health. Good hearing results in positive health outcomes, increases social engagement, improves communication, and lowers the risk of depression. Everyone should know the status of their hearing health and how to protect it over their lifetime. This starts with a hearing check, and it is recommended that adults take an annual hearing exam, just as you would a physical or eye exam. Remember, hearing loss can be gradual, so an annual hearing check is a smart thing to do.
Unfortunately, hearing loss is often treated as a relatively unimportant consequence of aging. It is estimated that people wait an average of ten years from the time they first experience changes until they decide to treat their hearing loss. But remember, by addressing changes in your hearing earlier, you can experience many benefits to your health and well-being.
The diagnostic hearing evaluation will be performed by our highly qualified Audiologist using equipment called an audiometer. The assessment consists of a variety of tests to determine the unique aspects of your hearing loss if it is present, as well as the level at which you can detect and understand speech. The evaluation will usually last about 45 to 60 minutes in length and the results of your test are recorded on an audiogram. You should also allow for time for discussion with the audiologist to review test results and ask questions. Before your appointment, a complete medical history will be completed, and the audiologist will want to hear about any complaints you have about your hearing.
At The Hearing Specialist, we offer a comprehensive hearing evaluation which consists of a consultation, physical examination, and a series of tests. We pay attention to any concerns you have about exposure to noise, tinnitus, and balance problems. Make sure that you take a full list of any medications and supplements you are taking with you to your appointment.
We perform a variety of tests to determine the degree of hearing loss, the type of hearing loss, and the conditions of the ear canal and middle ear. The audiologist will also determine if the hearing loss is conductive (middle or outer ear problem) or sensorineural (inner ear problem or central processing difficulty of the brain).
What Tests Will Be Done?
A diagnostic hearing evaluation may include the following test:
Pure-tone Air and Bone Conduction Testing
Pure-tone air conduction testing determines the quietest tones that a person can hear at different frequencies, both low and high. Bone conduction testing is similar to pure-tone air conduction testing. A different type of headphone is used during bone conduction testing, and the results help the specialist determine if the hearing loss is originating from the outer/middle ear or from the inner ear.
Speech Testing
A speech reception threshold (SRT) test is often used to confirm the results of a pure-tone test. This test determines the lowest level at which the patient can recognize words or speech stimuli.
Ear Canal Examination
Otoscopy also is performed by the audiologist to determine the health of the ear canal.
Immittance testing
Immittance testing is a common audiological evaluation that is important in the diagnostic process to determine the health of the middle ear and to evaluate acoustic reflex pathways. It is made up of a series of tests, including tympanometry and acoustic reflex measurement. These tests allow the audiologist to measure how well the eardrum is vibrating when sound strikes, how well the tiny bones of the ear are functioning to transmit those vibrations to the organ of hearing and to further examine the integrity of the middle ear system.
We will then review your hearing exam results with you, answer your questions, and design an aural rehabilitation program to help you to achieve your hearing and communication goals if a hearing loss is found. We may refer you to your doctor if for example, there is middle ear fluid, asymmetrical hearing loss or unilateral tinnitus.
Audiologists are specialists in hearing and hearing rehabilitation. Never hesitate to ask your audiologist for clarification or further information on anything you do not understand.
Why a Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation is Important
Diagnostic hearing evaluations identify hearing loss and give your audiologist important information to help determine the best course of action for treatment. Some types of hearing loss can be treated medically or surgically, so it's important that these types of hearing losses be ruled out before hearing aids or other treatments are considered. If it is determined that you could benefit from hearing aids, the diagnostic hearing evaluation helps your audiologist know which hearing aids will be most appropriate for your needs.
Please use our online booking system for your hearing test appointment. After booking your appointment, you should receive an email/SMS confirmation. A text message appointment reminder will be sent out 24 hours prior to appointment. You can also contact us at or call us on 1300 579 079